We were at the Official launching of the Play Station 3 in the Philippines that was held at SM Glorietta activity center. The event provided sick sample games like Final Fantasy XIII and God of War III.

These were the ps3 consoles that were free to test by the consumers, guests, media and bystanders.

This was the 3-D game sample that was very surreal to look at and pretty much shows how devoted Sony was in giving its supporters the best entertainment they can have at home.

These two men are very important(in other words i forgot they're names (note:'cause it was JAPANESE!!!)) on of them is the CEO i think its the guy on the left and the man on the right pic. is the president of Sony Philippines Corp.?? They were talking about how the audacity and creativity of Sony Philippines prevailed this day and so on and so forth they announced the PS3 officially launched in the Philippines.

The Press and Magazine writers were free to ask questions to the MEN(I'm really sorry i forgot they're names).The questions asked and answers answered were the ff.:Why did it take Sony Philippines a long time to officially launch PS3? FYI:PS3 was launched officially in the US on 2008. To that they said first of all they were sorry for the delay and there were long processes in the territories and government predicaments of the Philippines i think. Is the PlayStation Network available in the Philippines? They said no. Many more questions were asked i just don't remember it. Then they held a toast to the celebration of this event and said they're thanks to all the people who made this possible.

They also posed with Kratos the God Of War Man. and lightning and snowe from FF XIII

Here they were very welcome and nice. I think its 'cause were squeeze eyed.^ here there was the ribbon cutting from the inside. There were some good food too!.
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